Instructor of Record, Northeastern University, 2023
- Principles of Microeconomics
Teaching Assistant, University of California, Irvine, 2016-2021
- Econ 122A. Applied Econometrics I
Introduction to econometrics. Practical applications in microeconomics and macroeconomics.
- Econ 107. Economics of Asymmetric Information
Effects of asymmetric information in the markets: labor, insurance, used cars, credit, and in auctions.
- Econ 100C. Intermediate Economic III
Explanations of unemployment, inflation, recessions; public policy for macroeconomic problems.
- Econ 100B. Intermediate Economic II
The fundamentals of game theory.
- Econ 25. The Economics of Accounting Decisions
An analysis of the similarities and differences between accounting and economic concepts.
- Econ 20B. Basic Economics II
The fundamentals of macroeconomics. Government behavior.
- Econ 20A. Basic Economics I
The fundamentals of microeconomics. The behavior of firms and consumers.
- Econ 15B. Probability and Statistics in Economics II
An introduction to probability, statistics, and econometrics.
- Econ 13. Global Economy
Fundamental patterns of the global economy.
Teaching Assistant, California State University, Los Angeles, 2014-2015
- Market Indicators and Federal Reserve Policy
- Managerial Economics
- Principles of Macroeconomics
- Applied Statistics
- Current Issues in Latin America.